Monday Jul 15, 2019
MustGrow Biologics Corp. (CSE: MGRO) Interview
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
MustGrow Biologics Corp. (CSE: MGRO) is an agricultural biotech company focused on developing and commercializing its patented natural biologic product that acts as a pesticide, fungicide nematicide and fertilizer. Targeting the fruit, vegetable, turf, ornamentals and cannabis industries, MustGrow has designed a United States EPA-approved organic solution that uses the mustard seed’s natural defense mechanisms to protect plants from pests and diseases. Approximately $9 million has previously been spent on 110 independent tests, validating MustGrow’s remarkably safe and effective granular product. MustGrow’s granular product is EPA-approved across all key U.S. states as a fertilizer and pesticide (currently limited to fertilizer in California) and is designated by Health Canada’s PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency) as a fruit, vegetable, turf and ornamental biopesticide and biofertilizer. In cannabis, MustGrow is currently developing reliable, safe and biological solutions that adhere to Health Canada’s strict regulations. MustGrow is positioning its signature product as an effective pre-plant soil treatment, reducing the chance for any added soil to a greenhouse to bring in pests or diseases. MustGrow expects its biopesticide and biofertilizer will help licensed cannabis producers control the same conditions addressed in fruit and vegetable crops.